Blogger Beat-Down #28

“Katt Williams Is Still A Stupid Mothafucka”

How to draw Katt Williams is a image by Michael Y

Big comedy specials are one of those anamolies that can fail big if they’re not done right. It’s like anything else. Everyone knows Katt Williams is a heavy-hitter. The guy pulls in audiences, packs arenas… he’s huge. So, it surprises me that such a large draw can buy what he’s selling when it’s referring to people who believe in evolution as stupid mothafuckas. (reed awn)


“Language and Memory”

School is starting soon and I’m considering taking a language course. Only because I could use a instructor, but I’m also testing out free services using books, podcasts and software to learn more than one language. I’m already bilingual, which should be mandatory for everyone, which brings up the question of whether people think in a language? Everyone’s done all kinds of research on this as there are plenty of papers on cognition and memory. Rather than look at them as a source, I think we can use basic common sense to see that no one can think in any language especially their own. (How can you think in another language when you can’t even think in your own?)

“Compressed Distance”

Stage presence gets a lot of help from technology as straight up theater. What about living that outside of the performance. Like what about the lighting and effects Nine Inch Nails has always used for their shows. It translates well with the music, why can’t they take it with them and just live that way? (Compressed distance)

“What’s In Titan’s Lakes?”

I’m a sucker for this stuff. I can’t inagine why no one would be interested in other worlds. I mean there are those people who always say that we shouldn’t be funding space travel and that we should spend the money here. I’m not going to get into the details about that cause… well… fuck that. I want NASA to go to Titan. (What’s in Titan’s lakes?)

Of course I get all caught up in the fantasy of learning Titan’s secrets before I realize I never will. THANKS RED TAPE!!! (I won’t be around for the greatest discovery of the human race!)

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